速報APP / 醫療 / SmartIntern ABG: The only ABG tool you'l

SmartIntern ABG: The only ABG tool you'l



檔案大小:20.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 韓語

SmartIntern ABG: The only ABG tool you'll ever need(圖1)-速報App

# Limited Time Offer - It is Free!!!!

Based on SmartIntern Framework, a universal decision-making support system framework for medicine, this app offers comprehensive analysis and decision-making support for acid-base disorders at the point-of-care.

This is the first ABG app which......

• tells you the reason 'why your patient has metabolic acidosis with low anion gap, with secondary respiratory alkalosis' with detailed explanation.

• handles the most complex types of acid-base disorders (e.g. triple disorders, hidden high anion-gap metabolic acidosis, acid-base disorders with normal pH)

• intuitive and comprehensive user experience.

• completely evidence-based.

• calculates the ideal doses of bicarbonate therapy.

• offers differential diagnosis with urine anion gap or delta-delta ratio.

Even more!!

SmartIntern ABG: The only ABG tool you'll ever need(圖2)-速報App

• The app will tell you that 'your patient has respiratory acidosis + metabolic acidosis, which could be associated with cardiopulmonary arrest (lactic acidosis + respiratory failure)'

• Analysis of electrolyte imbalances.

• You'll find out!

For you!!

• Residents

• Medical students

• Non-internist physicians

• and Internists!!

Joongheum Park, MD (Internal Medicine, Mobile software developer)

Duhwan Kang, MD (Internal Medicine)

SmartIntern ABG: The only ABG tool you'll ever need(圖3)-速報App

Collaboration with: Jeongwon Choi MD, Joowhan Sung MD, Soohwan Chun MD, Lokesh Dayal MD

SmartIntern ABG: The only ABG tool you'll ever need(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad